
Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate. However, it’s important to remember that Thanksgiving can also be a dangerous time for our furry friends. With all the extra food and decorations around, it’s easy for pets to get into trouble.

Here are some tips to help you keep your pets safe and happy on Thanksgiving:

  • Keep the feast on the table- not under it. Dogs and cats are experts at scavenging for food, and they’re not picky eaters. They’re just as likely to enjoy a turkey carcass as they are a piece of pie. If you have guests, ask them to please not feed your pets any table scraps.
  • Bones and fat trimmings – Bones, especially smaller thinner bones can splinter and cause choking or internal obstructions and lacerations if the pieces are ingested. Trimmed fat, both cooked and non-cooked can potentially cause pancreatitis
  • Chocolate – Chocolate is toxic to dogs because it contains theobromine and caffeine, two methylxanthine compounds that dogs are unable to metabolize effectively. Vomiting and Diarrhea are the most common symptoms of chocolate poisoning in dogs, however much more serious injury can come in the form of heart arrhythmia, tremors, seizures and pancreatitis.
  • No pie or other desserts for your pooch. Many Thanksgiving desserts contain ingredients that are toxic to pets, such as chocolate, xylitol, and raisins. Keep all desserts out of reach of your pets, and be sure to clean up any spills immediately.
  • Yeast dough – It can cause problems for pets, including painful gas and potentially dangerous bloating. If you’re making rolls or other bread dough, keep it in a covered container where your pet can’t get to it.
  • Put the trash away where your pets can’t find it. Turkey bones and other food scraps can be a choking hazard for pets. After dinner, put the trash in a sealed container and place it in a garage or other out-of-reach location.
  • Be careful with decorative plants. Some popular Thanksgiving plants, such as amaryllis, lilies, and holly, are toxic to pets. If you have any of these plants in your home, keep them out of reach of your pets.


Here are some additional tips to help keep your pets safe and comfortable on Thanksgiving:

  • Give your pet a safe place of their own. A quiet back room or crate will give them a place to rest during the Thanksgiving festivities. Fill the space with comforting items, such as their bed, a favorite toy, calming pheromones, and other items that tell your pet they are safe.
  • Take your pet for a walk or play with them before Thanksgiving events. This will help them burn off energy and be less likely to get into trouble.
  • If you have guests, let them know in advance that you have pets and ask them to please be respectful. This includes keeping their food out of reach, closing the door when they come and go, and not petting your pet without asking your permission.
  • If your pet is anxious around strangers, consider a calming aid such as CBD oil. Talk to your veterinarian about whether this is a good option for your pet.
    By following these tips, you can help ensure that your pets have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

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