
Last month, Animal Care and Control officers worked to safely remove over 100 cats that were discovered to be living in a vacant home in Chicago’s Belmont Central neighborhood.

Glen Oak Dog and Cat Hospital will be adopting one or more of the rescued cats through the support program run by Tree House Humane Society
The 100+ cats were found in the brick bungalow in the 6200 block of West Roscoe Street, which was abandoned and improperly boarded up, city officials said. The city has declared the building unlivable, according to a statement from Chicago Animal Care and Control. You can read more about the story here.

The city and Tree House, the cat rescue organization, worked to remove the remaining cats.

If you are interested in helping, fostering or adoption of a cat or donating to the cause, you can visit Tree House’s website to learn more about what you can do to help.

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